シンプルなブロックの形状ですが、気泡や色むらカケなどのモルタル素材独特の質感が加わることで、 存在感のある仕上がりになっています。
This one of a kind push pin can be used for various purposes like to pin-up photos and postcards on the wall. An item produced to portray the playful nature of the designer and versatility in his ideas of using mortar (cement) in our daily surroundings. A simple block structure, all hand-made to give it that natural mortar texture and feel.
Year: 2003 -
Model code: PP-PIN
Size: W12xD12xH20 mm (includes 6 pins/box)
Variation: Solid/Araidashi
Material: Mortar,Stainless Steel
Price: 2,000yen (+Tax)